All things Microsoft Teams, Office 365 and the Microsoft Cloud
Graphical user interface, application

Extending emergency call notifications with the Power Platform

Do you want e-mail notifications when someone places an emergency call in Microsoft Teams? Do you want to dynamically send these e-mails automatically dependant on which office the user makes the emergency call from? I have just finished presenting at Commsverse 2024, where I launched an open source solution that you need to see! Built […]

Routing calls to unassigned numbers – Public Preview

Unassigned numbers can potentially have a negative impact on an organisation’s reputation.
For example, when an employee leaves the organisation, their phone number is re-added to the pool of available numbers.
If a customer calls that number there is generally no way for them to know that the person has left the organisation or how they can reach someone else with regards to their query.
This could mean the loss of business. In Skype for Business server you have the ability to route unassigned numbers to an announcement, response group or user. This functionality is now available for Microsoft Teams in Public Preview.
Let’s take a look at how we set up unassigned number routing in Microsoft Teams.

Using a Direct Routing Resource Account number for Caller ID

On 30th April, Microsoft Teams PowerShell module 2.3.0 was released. As a result the Set-CSCallingLineIdentity command now allows the ability to create Caller Line Identities policies which utilise Direct Routing resource accounts. Check out the release notes for the updated version here. Before we can use the new module, we need to update it. Run […]